Thursday, November 18, 2010

artist statement

In these photos, I think each person is reflecting their character. Some of these pictures have window lighting, making the pictures more dramatic. I pretty much told each person to pose how they were in the picture, and I think each person reflected their personality through the pose i gave them.
When I took these pictures, some were taken outside, and some were taken inside by the window for better lighting. I wanted their attitudes to come through the pictures.  I really liked all the lighting in the photos. I wanted to get the different angles so it would be more interesting in the photos. In the photos of Gabe, I thought it would be more interesting to create a strip of all the ones I took of him to create a type of series.
I liked the two of Jae Suk and Kailey because they are looking away from the camera. I also had a couple pictures of Gabe in the rule of thirds. I liked Kat and Jae Suk's pictures in black and white better than in color, and the one of kat sticking her hand up almost frames her face between her fingers.





Friday, November 5, 2010


My photography assignment this week was to pick a Bible verse, and then pick a word out of the verse that sticks out to you or the feeling you have when you read the verse. We were to take photos of each letter and put it all together in photoshop! I decided to pick one of my life verses, and use the word TRUST.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


This photo is a photo of a beautiful pink flower I saw! I was walking on the path, and there was a random pink flower on the side of the path. I had to take a picture of it! I love the shade of vibrant pink! This photo is also in the rule of thirds.

   In this photo, Hannah is walking down the path. I love all the white that contrasts with her plaid blue and white jacket! I think this photo looks really graceful because of Hannah walking. It also looks like she's alone because she is walking in this big hall alone. 
   When I first saw this photo, I saw all the composition that was in it. The first thing that caught my eye was the feeling in the photo. Like I said before, she looks graceful, but alone. I took this photo at around 12:30. The weather was great, and I think it looks very comfortable in the picture. Another one of my favorite things from this photo is the natural lighting coming in from the left. It really brings out the white on the pillars.
   The composition in this photo is repetition, because of the lights, pillars, plants, and leaves in the hall! There is also leading lines. The path leads straight to Hannah and out. The lights and walls lead with the path toward her too. This is also framing because the whole hall is framing Hannah as she is walking.

This is a picture of a wall of fenced in rocks that leads to a tunnel up to a grass landing. I took this picture on the side of the wall. This photo is leading lines because of the lines leading to the tunnel. It has repetition from the rocks caged in.

This photo is a bridge with a pretty path leading under with the leaves around it. I love the repetition of the leaves, the leading line of the path, and the framing from the bridge! The color of the leaves is my favorite.